Our services

Helicopter Lift Services

Specializing in precision placement of HVAC units, power line construction and ski lift construction with lift weights up to 6,000 pounds. The KMax helicopter is FAA Standard category which makes it easier to obtain congested area plans.

Aviation Fire Fighting

Aircraft, fuel trucks, pilots and mechanics are U.S. Forest Service inspected and carded. Our KMax helicopters utilize the Bambi Max with Power Fill bucket.

Agricultural Spraying

Founded in 1996 as an aerial application company supporting Federal, State, and private land owners. Our Air Tractor 802 and Bell UH1H are well suited to large application projects. We have incorporated auto on/off tied to our DGPS swath guidance system.

Helicopter Logging Services

We tailor our work to your needs from road construction, cutting, log processing, loading and trucking.  We are able to helicopter log with either chokers or a grapple.

Helicopter Recovery Services

We specialize in the recovery of aircraft, boats, and other vehicles. We utilize both our Huey and Kmax helicopters to assist in this process.

Helicopter Fish Stocking

Every other year, Oregon biologists dangle a device below our helicopters and drop young fish into high mountain lakes for the pleasure of Cascade anglers.

Aircraft Ready to go

2 – Kaman 1200 (KMax)

The KMax helicopter has a Max gross weight of 12,000 pounds and a cargo hook capacity of 6,000 pounds. The KMax lift performance excels at altitude with a lift capacity of 4,300 pounds at 15,000 feet given International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) plus 15 degrees Celsius. The KMax fuel capacity of 228 gallons with an average fuel consumption is 85 gallons per hour gives it 3 hours endurance.
The KMax’s is built for lift operations. The KMax’s unique narrow fuselage gives the pilot an unobstructed vertical reference for precision load placement. The heavy duty trolley system enhances stability while performing long line operations. These features coupled with the KMax’s low operating noise (82 decibels) and low rotor down wash make it well suited for repetitive precision external lift projects.

3 – Bell UH1H Huey Helicopters

The Bell UH1H is a proven utility helicopter. Columbia Basin Helicopters, Inc. currently owns and operates three (3) Bell UH1H+ helicopters. Our Bell UH1H+ helicopters have a mix of several performance enhancing modifications to allow us to provide the aircraft most suited to the mission. Our enhancements include the left seat certified long line bubble door with gauges, the tail boom strake kit, fast fin, power train enhancements (Lycoming T53-L-13 and Lycoming T53-L-17 engines), composite and metal main rotor blades, etc. All three (3) our Bell UH1H+ helicopters are U.S. Forest Service and Office of Aircraft Services inspected and “carded.”

Bell UH1H Huey

5 – Air Tractor 802 Airplanes

The Air Tractor 802 is the world’s largest single engine agricultural application aircraft. The airplane has a gross weight of 16,000 pounds and a useful load of 9,495 pounds. With a working speed of 160 mph and a large 800 gallon hopper, the AT-802 produces an inexpensive cost per gallon applied. Due to the AT-802 performance, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) have incorporated them into their aerial fire fighting arsenal. They are known in the firefighting community as Type III Single Engine Air Tankers (SEATs).


What our clients say

The staff from Columbia Basin Helicopters has been very good to work with. They always show up ready to work and with great attitudes. Even in trying situations, the staff have responded well and adapted to changing conditions and direction rapidly.

Oregon Department of Forestry

On behalf of the WSDA-Pest Program, I would like to thank Columbia Basin Helicopters, Inc. (CBH) for the excellent job on the 2019 Gypsy moth eradication. The dedication CBH puts into safety, precision, and hard work should not go unrecognized. Thank you for always staying in good communication with not only myself, but all other needed cooperators on this year’s project. Job well done.

Washington State Department of Agriculture

Our work

Fire Fighting

Agricultrural Spraying

Fire Fighting

Lift Services

Lift Services

Agricultrural Spraying

Snow Removal

Agricultrural Spraying

Fire Fighting

Snow Removal

Fire Fighting

Lift Services

Fire Fighting

Snow Removal

Lift Services

Snow Removal

Agricultrural Spraying

Snow Removal

Lift Services

Agricultrural Spraying


About us

Columbia Basin Helicopters, Inc. was founded in 1996 as an aerial application company operating a Hiller Soloy based out of Echo, Oregon.  We have since moved our headquarters to the La Grande, Oregon airport with satellite bases near Baker City, Oregon and Queen Creek, Arizona.  Our fleet has grown to include two (2) Kaman 1200 KMax helicopters, three (3) Bell UH1H helicopters and five (5) Air Tractor 802 fixed wing aircraft.  We also utilize three (3) support aircraft to shuttle spare components and relief personnel when operating remotely in an all weather King Air 300, Cessna 206 and Cessna 182. 


